John Wallace
5 min readJun 18, 2021


A picture of Covid-19 under a microscope. #JonStewart #Stephen Colbert #PervezMusharaf #Pakistan #OsamaBinLaden #Covid19 #LabLeak #Bats #ISI
Photo by CDC on Unsplash

Jon Stewart hosted his Daily show several nights while the capture and killing of Osama Bin Laden were still on the world’s mind. The night before his epic takedown of Pakistani officials harboring Bin Laden, he landed punches.

“So your defense is that the ISI is way too smart to put Bid Laden in such an obvious place but far too clueless to know he was there. They’re in that magic sweet spot. Smart enough not to do it, dumb enough not to know.”

-Jon Stewart, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart

The next night he landed the knockout punch to the Pakistani military complex. The legendary fake newscaster introduced his topic with a map showing Bin Laden was hiding quite close to an army complex; this was the epic takedown.

“He was living a half a mile from Pakistan’s version of West Point in a town surrounded by military ex-officers, a half-mile… Let me put that in New York City terms. Bin Laden was on 21st and 7th avenue; they were on 21st and 9th ave. If the Pakistani Military Academy were Domino’s, they would deliver to Bin Laden on foot! The Pakistani military could have caught Bin Laden with a rod and reel or a giant acme magnet.”

-Jon Stewart, The Daily Show

I screamed “Bam!” when I heard Jon Stewart utter those words. I didn’t care that it was the middle of the night.



John Wallace

I write about money, politics, finance, fiction, politics and more.